FirstName and FamilyTitle


and Irish septs   

Selected Names


other surnames


Irish family names and history explained

Irish family history has always been a growth industry. From earliest days the Irish recited the descent of their families from ancient kings and chieftains. Reciting the litany from memory provided the poets and musicians with endless stories Irishof heroic characters. For those of Irish descent today, this information from the mother country is equally important.

We have valuable aids to your search for Irish roots. You may use the site to access a comprehensive dictionary of Irish first names, giving the derivation and history of each and, where appropriate, Irish translation.

Irish surnames and forenames are found throughout the world. Extended Irish families encompass continents instead of merely counties: American, Australian, Canadian and more families now trace their origins to the small island off the west coast of Europe.

Irish family names guides are also available, one lists and describes eighty well-knowntitles, explaining their history and associations. Eighty families have been chosen from thousands, not merely because of historical importance and still-numerous, but also because of their often outstanding personalities. Illustrations showing the heraldic shields of each are included, along with a section providing the meaning and place of origin of a further hundred titles. However far from the Ireland your branch of the family extends, be assured you will always be a part of your own Irish family history.