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irish culture and more at ireland 's eye

ireland 's eye is a weekly webzine on Ireland and the irish culture, irish history, irish traditions, irish myths and more, and I welcome you to it. I hope that what you discover here will encourage you to visit us regularly. the site is updated with new articles and features on ireland each Friday. please don't forget to bookmark it and come back often, I am sure you will find it rewarding.

As well as the subject areas and features mentioned above, we publish top quality tourist information written by the leading experts in their fields.

In our irish accommodations section Susan Causin and Elsie Dillard review the very best bed and breakfast establishments in the Emerald Isle. Susan and Elsie are the authors of the highly regarded book, 'Bed and Breakfast Ireland'. Eileen Taylor contributes our pub reviews, visiting renowned drinking establishments. In the recipe section we present the finest selection of traditional irish dishes anywhere on the Net. These range from irish soda bread and irish stew to irish coffee.

In our 'attractions' feature we detail not just all the irish castles that are both accessible and worth visiting, but the many great irish houses, gardens and museums open to the public. Each article is written by an acknowledged authority and the information is unrivalled on any web-site.

Of course this introduction gives only a hint of the depth and range of the material we have to offer and all I can do is to invite you to explore - you won't be disappointed. Don't neglect to take part in the great irish Ghostwatch, unique to Irelandseye, try your luck or test your knowledge in our monthly irish quiz or send an authentic irish eCard.

John Murphy
