The Irish Dictionary
This selection from the Irish Dictionary contains English words and phrases, followed by Irish words and phrases: the translations are included. This is the first in a series covering extracts from the entire dictionary. This issue's list is taken from ABC. The next edition will cover DEF.
English – Irish ABC
able: able to ábalta [aabuLtu]
about (place) timpeall [chimpuL]
approximately thimpeall is [himpuL is]
back (body) druim [drim]
back (direction) ar ais [i—rash]
bacon muiceoil [mwikyoel]
cake císte [keeshchi], otherwise cáca
call glao [glee]
I call glaoim [glee-im]
Irish – English ABC
A [u] who, which, whom, whose:
an fear a fheicim the man whom I see;
an fear a fheiceann the man who sees;
b’, ba [b(u)] was, would be
ba bheag é it was/would be small
babhla [bowlu] bowl
caife [kafi] coffee
cailín [kaleen] girl
caillim [kalim] I lose
The first in a series of extracts from the Irish Dictionary by Seosamh Watson, published by Appletree Press.
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