English – Irish STU
shadow scáil [skaal]
I am shaking tá mé ar crith [ta mae er—krih]
song amhrán [oeraan]
sleepy: I am sleepy tá codladh orm [ta koLoo urum]
I smell (something) cuirim boladh rud éigin [kirim balhoo rud e—kinch]
sweet (taste) milis [milish] (candy) milseán [milshaan] (sound) binn [bin]
talk caint [kanch]
taste blas [blas]
thirsty: I am thirsty tá tart orm [ta tart urum]
thank you go raibh maith agat / (pl.) agaibh
touch: I touch (a person) bainim (do dhuine)
treecrann [kraN]
under faoi [fwee]
understand: I understand tuigim [chigim]
unlike éagsúil le [aegsool le]
unlucky: I am unlucky tá mí-ádh orm [ta mee-aa urum]
up (position) thuas [hoous] (motion) suas
unusual neamhghnáthach [now-ghraakh]
Irish – English STU
scornach [skoernukh] throat
saibhir [sevir] rich, wealthy
scian [shkeeun] knife
snámh [sNaaoo] swimming
solas [solus] light
son: ar son [ur—sun] for, for the sake of
te [cheh] hot
teach [chakh] house
taitneamh [tanoo] pleasure, enjoyment
tuath [toou] country(side)
turas [torus] trip, journey
tráthnóna [tru—Noonu] evening, afternoon
uachtar [ooukhtur] cream
uachtarán [ooukhturaan] president
uaireadóir [ooiridoer] watch (timepiece)
ubh [uv] egg
uisce [ishki] water
úr [oor] fresh; new
Another in a series of extracts from the Irish Dictionary by Seosamh Watson, published by Appletree Press.