Your privacy on the Internet is of the utmost importance to us. Because we gather certain types of information about the users of irelandseye.com, we feel you should fully understand the terms and conditions surrounding the capture and use of that information.
Anonymous Information Collection
Anonymous information refers to information that cannot be tied back to a specific individual. As with visiting any web site, irelandseye.com collects some basic information about your computer, including browser type, operating system, IP address, Internet service provider and geographic location.
Cookie use
irelandseye.com places advertising on our sites that originates from third party advertisers and/or advertising agencies. In some cases, if you click on or view these ads, the advertiser may assign you a cookie. irelandseye.com does not control these cookies. Please see the section entitled "Third Parties" for more information on this issue.
irelandseye.com compiles statistical data on the number of visitors who access the banners and advertisements on our web site so that we can provide marketing information to our advertisers and sponsors. irelandseye.com aggregates this information and creates statistical reports from the anonymous and demographic information for our advertisers. This allows our advertisers to advertise more effectively, and allows our users to receive advertisements that are pertinent to their interests and needs. Also, because irelandseye.com derives it's revenue mainly from advertising, providing this data is essential to maintaining our services as free to users.
Third parties
This web site contains links to other web sites. When accessing the web sites of third parties advertising on irelandseye.com, including through ad banners and other links, you will be accessing sites that are not operated or controlled by irelandseye.com. These sites may collect anonymous and personal information by various methods, including the use of cookies. The privacy policies of these web sites may not be the same as those of irelandseye.com and may not afford visitors and citizens the same level of protection. Visitors and citizens should contact these advertisers to verify the privacy policies of these web sites and their terms of use when accessing them and prior to providing any anonymous or personal information.
Newsletters & Communications
irelandseye.com offers a free newsletter to visitors. We gather the email addresses of users who voluntarily subscribe. irelandseye.com delivers newsletters, marketing and product offerings via email to only registered recipients from our subscription center. While aggregate counts of click through behavior are provided to advertisers, an advertiser will never know that a specific user clicked their ad. irelandseye.com does not target advertising against specific user information. irelandseye.com will not provide specific user information to any third party company.
Occasionally irelandseye.com conducts user surveys to better target our content to our audience. We sometimes share the aggregated demographic information in these surveys with our advertisers and partners.
This site uses the services of Engage for the serving and/or targeting of ads, promotions and other marketing messages. To do this, Engage collects anonymous data typically through the use of cookies. To learn more about Engage, including your ability to opt out of the Engage system, go to http://www.engage.com/privacy.
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