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ÁIS [ Company Info ] |
ÁIS is a book distribution centre for Irish language texts. Manager: Diarmuid î Cathasaigh, Address: 31 Fenian St., Dublin 2., Tel: 353-1-6616-522, Fax: 353-1-6616-564 |
A&A Farmar [ Company Website ] |
A & A FARMAR, : Books on Dublin, food, wine, social history, and Irishliterature.Tel: (01) 4963625, Fax: (01) 4970107 |
Anvil Books [ Company Info ] |
Anvil Books: Publisher of children's books and historical non-fiction, concentrating on the period 1916-1924. Managing Director: Rena Dardis. Tel: 353-1-497-3628 Orders from CMD, 55a Spruce Avenue, Stillorgan Industrial Estate, Blackrock, Co.Dublin. |
An Gúm [ Company Info ] |
Barra Mac Aodh Bhu', 44 Sraid Ui Chonaill Uacht, Baile Atha Cliath1,Tel: 353-1-873-4700, Fax: 353-1-873-1104 |
Appletree Press [ Company Website ] |
Staff of 20. Irish-interest gift books, guide books, history, music, humour, criticism and stationery. Series: Appletree Pocket Guides and Little Cookbooks each featuring the cuisine of a different country or region. Submit letter with synopsis and specimen chapter. |
Attic Press [ Company Website ] |
Attic Press: Irish/Women's Studies, history and practical Reference booksfor, by and about women. Health & Lifestyle, Biography, Bright SparksFiction for teenagers, Children's Fiction, Gay Fiction. |
Blackstaff Press [ Company Website ] |
Fulltime staff of 8. Biography, memoirs, educational, fiction, history, politics, humour, natural history, photographic, poetry, health. `Blackstaff Guides' series. In 1995 this company became wholly owned by the Antrim printing company W. & G. Baird. Submit synopsis, sample chapter and return postage. Own contract form based on Clark's Publishing Agreements. IBM and Apple Mac. Blackstaff House, Wildflower Way, Apollo Road, BELFAST BT12 6TA |
Boyne Valley Publishing [ Company Info ] |
Platin, Drogheda, Co. Louth. Tel: +353 (041) 70300 Fax: +353 (041) 70339 Chairman: Malachy McCloskey |
Butterworths [ Company Website ] |
Staff of 9. Specialising in books on Irish law, tax and accountancy. Series: Irish Planning Law and Practice, Tax Guide, Irish Income Tax, Irish Conveyancing Precedents, Tax Accounts, Capital Tax Accounts, VAT Accounts, Landlord and Tenant Law. Meets potential authors to discuss ideas. Own contract. |
Children's Poolbeg see Poolbeg |
Children's Press, The [ Company Info ] |
Children's and young adults' books of higher than average quality. This is an imprint of Anvil Books which is listed separately. |
Cló Iar-Chonnachta [ Company Website ] |
Staff of 4. Irish-language poetry, novels, history, songs and books for children; dual-language books and translations. Some poetry and song titles issued simultaneously with cassette tapes. Submit letter and manuscript. Own contract form. |
Collins Press [ Company Info ] |
History, archaeology, photography, biography walking guides, fiction and general Irish interest. Submit synopsis and specimen chapter. Own contract form. Apple Mac. |
Colourpoint Books [ Company Website ] |
Specialises in educational texts for NI curriculum, also on transport and history. No fiction. Submit letter briefly specifying experience and qualifications on subject, with outline and specimen chapter(s). No phone calls. Own contract. |
Columba Press, The [ Company Website ] |
Staff of 7. General religious books, especially pastoral, spiritual, theological, history, Celtic spirituality. Under Gartan imprint: Irish-language books and those of general Irish cultural interest. Submit letter with contents, synopsis and sample chapter. Own contract form. Apple Mac. |
Cork University Press [ Company Website ] |
Staff of 5. Established in 1926. Irish cultural studies and history. Uses Attic Press (women's studies, fiction, young people) as an imprint and stocks Attic and Basement backlist. Submit synopsis and specimen chapter. Own contract form. |
Eason [ Company Website ] |
Publishing wing of major distributor, wholesaler and bookshop chain. Tourists' picture books and the Irish Heritage Series of illustrated booklets by experts on a number of subjects. |
Four Courts Press [ Company Website ] |
Staff of 4. History, art, literature, Celtic and medieval studies, theology. Submit short synopsis. Own standard contract. IBM and Apple Mac. Also publishes under the Open Air imprint. |
Gill & Macmillan [ Company Website ] |
Staff of 50. General, academic and professional books, and educational for secondary level. Associated in the Macmillan group with publishing companies throughout the world. Submit letter with synopsis and/or specimen chapter. Own contract form. Provides warehousing, invoicing and delivery services to a number of other Irish publishers. |
Guru Music [ Company Website ] |
Guru Music Ltd. How to learn about Guitar, Computers and Sport thehassle-free way. Own distribution |
Institute of Irish Studies [ Company Website ] |
Director: Professor Brian M. Walker. Editor: Margaret McNulty. Academic press specialising in Irish history, politics, literature, archaeology, language and cultural traditions. Series include the Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland and Place-names of Northern Ireland. First contact by letter and synopsis. |
Institute of Public Administration [ Company Website ] |
Institute of Public Administration: Only Irish Publishers specialising intexts on public service management. Also provide publishing consultancyservice. |
Irish Academic Press [ Company Website ] |
Academic books in the humanities, particularly history, politics, military history, art, architecture, literature and music. Series: New Directions in Irish History, Irish Legal History Society. Own standard contract. Ireland and Europe: Gill & Macmillan Distribution (rep. Robert Towers); USA: ISBS. |
Irish Times Books [ Company Website ] |
Reprints from The Irish Times: humour, satire, genealogy. Submit synopsis and sample with letter. |
Lilliput Press [ Company Website ] |
Lilliput Press: Founded in 1984. Managing Director: Anthony Farrell.Publisher of Literary Fiction, Biography, History, Philosophy, andEcology. |
Marino Books see Mercier Press |
Mentor Press [ Company Info ] |
12 staff. General and educational books. Submit synopsis and sample with letter. Own contract form. Apple Mac. |
Mercier Press [ Company Website ] |
Staff of 20. Folklore, history, politics, current affairs, general Irish interest, religion. Marino Books imprint covers popular and literary fiction, books for children and teenagers, general non-fiction, guides, lifestyle, spirituality, women's affairs. Mercier: submit letter, synopsis and contents page if appropriate; Marino: letter and complete manuscript if available. Own contract form. |
Mount Eagle [ Company Info ] |
New imprint in 1997 when it was formed to take over and continue the well-established and better known Brandon imprint. General fiction and non-fiction of national and international appeal. Known writers with a track record should submit an outline; new writers should submit synopsis, author profile and specimen text: no unsolicited material should be sent without prior agreement. Own contract form |
National Gallery of Ireland [ Company Website ] |
7 staff. Art and art education. Distribution by Arts Books International, London. |
National Library of Ireland [ Company Website ] |
Has published 25 titles including booklets and document collections of literary and cultural interest, including facsimiles of items in the Library's collection. |
New Island Books [ Company Info ] |
Staff of 3 full-time. Fiction and non-fiction, literary and political, including both present-day writers and neglected ones of the past. Also uses Brookside imprint. Submit letter and synopsis with stamped return envelope. Own standard contract. |
Oak Tree Press [ Company Website ] |
Staff of 6 full-time. Business and professional titles for manager, practitioners and students. Series: Irish Studies in Management, Enterprise Series, Combat Poverty Agency series ESRI general research series. Is associated with Cork Publishing which publishes accountancy journals. Submit letter with synopsis. Own contract form. IBM Word for Windows 6. |
O'Brien Press, The [ Company Website ] |
Staff of 12. Twenty-four years established, a general publisher of books for adults and children of all ages, as well as educational books. Submit letter and sample chapters. Own contract form. |
Pineforest Books [ Company Info ] |
Pineforest: Glencullen, Co.Wicklow. Publisher of Children's Art Books.Publisher: Mary Carroll. Tel: 353-1-295-1220, Fax: 353-1-294-1221 |
Poolbeg [ Company Info ] |
Staff of 13. Poolbeg imprint is largely fiction, current affairs. `Children's Poolbeg'. Submit letter with specimen pages or chapter. Own standard contract. Apple Mac. |
Roberts Rinehart Publishers [ Company Website ] |
The Irish (and European) office of an American publisher, which originates its own titles here as well as selling those from USA. Irish and Irish-American interest, natural history, photography, history, biography, art, architecture, travel, politics, current affairs, children's picture and activity books. Submit letter, synopsis and specimen. Own standard contract. |
Roinn Oideachais see An Gúm |
Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell [ Company Info ] |
13 full-time staff. Merger of the Round Hall Press, Brehon Publishing and Sweet & Maxwell, part of the Thomson Corporation of Canada. Specialises in law books and journals. Submit letter and short synopsis. Own standard contract. |
Royal Irish Academy [ Company Website ] |
Publishing staff of 5. Academic books of Irish interest: language, history, archaeology, sciences. Series: Irish Historic Towns Atlas, Medieval Dublin Excavations, Proceedings of RIA, New History of Ireland ancillary volumes, Dictionary of Medieval Latin from Celtic Sources ancillary volumes. Ireland rep. Fergus Corcoran. |
Town House [ Company Info ] |
Town House/Country House is a general publisher of non-fiction of Irish interest (especially in the areas of archaeology, art, wildlife, environment) and of quality Irish fiction for a wide audience (for example, books by Deirdre Purcell and Julie Parsons). Our fiction list is usually co-published with London-based publishing houses. We distribute books published in the US by Roberts Rinehart. |
University College Dublin Press [ Company Info ] |
1 staff; established in 1995. Academic. Complete manuscript or synopsis and sample with letter. IBM & Apple Mac, always with hard copy. |
Veritas [ Company Website ] |
Staff of 15. Publisher to the Irish Hierarchy. Standard rituals, liturgical books, catechetical texts and general religious books including theology, scripture, marriage and family, prayer, biography, counselling and mariology. Series: Oscott. Submit synopsis and/or specimen chapter or pages. Own contract form. |
Wolfhound Press [ Company Website ] |
Staff of 8. Fiction, children's fiction, literary and general trade titles. Submit synopsis with stamped addressed envelope. Own standard contract form. |
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